A/B Testing for Machine Learning
A/B testing is an optimisation technique often used to understand how an altered variable affects audience or user engagement. It’s a common […]
What is Cross Validation in Machine Learning
Cross validation is the use of various techniques to evaluate a machine learning model’s ability to generalise when processing new and unseen datasets. […]
Machine Learning Optimization – Why is it so Important?
The concept of optimisation is integral to machine learning. Most machine learning models use training data to learn the relationship between input […]
What is Deep Learning?
Deep learning is a form of machine learning which aims to mimic and imitate the processes of the human brain through machine learning […]
Outlier Detection and Analysis Methods
Outlier detection is a key consideration within the development and deployment of machine learning algorithms. Models are often developed and leveraged to […]
ML‌ ‌Progressive‌ ‌Rollouts‌ ‌with‌ ‌Seldon‌ ‌and‌ ‌Iter8‌ ‌
Once you have a machine learning model in production that is providing benefit one of the next challenges you will meet is […]
Machine Learning Concept Drift – What is it and Five Steps to Deal With it
Concept drift is a major consideration for ensuring the long-term accuracy of machine learning algorithms. Concept drift is a specific type of model […]
Transfer Learning for Machine Learning
Transfer learning for machine learning is when elements of a pre-trained model are reused in a new machine learning model. If the […]
Four Types of Machine Learning Algorithms Explained
Machine learning is increasingly becoming more important to the everyday function of the modern world. Machine learning algorithms are behind a range […]
What is Machine Learning?
Machine learning is a process by which a system learns from data to undergo iterative improvement without direct human control. Instead of […]
Applying the MLOps Lifecycle
Understand MLOps needs and how they arise through the MLOps Lifecycle. Apply this to better scope and tackle MLOps projects. MLOps can […]
How Kubernetes extends to machine learning (ML)
 Seldon’s Alejandro Saucedo features in this article which explores the ways in which Kubernetes enhances the use of machine learning (ML) […]